Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Gorillas, chimps and monkees, Oh My!

6.04.08 - Yaounde - Today Leah and I went to the MEFOU National Park outside Yaounde and down a long dusty road we ran into a great ape sanctuary. Well, we didn't "run into it" it was there and we were going there. Anyway, it was excellent and we saw many a gorilla and chimpanzee. We both enjoyed it, but Leah could hardly contain her excitement at seeing the apes, especially the babies. 

We're doing a bit of filming for the Bristol Zoo (UK) there and putting together a project on how MEFOU is teaching children about preservation and stopping the bush meat trade. Some good people are working very hard to keep these animals from becoming extinct. Below are pictures from MEFOU and a project on Tuesday that took us to meet Justin a cane rat farmer in Yaounde. Living Earth has trained some farmers to raise cane rats as an alternative to hunting bushmeat that is more endangered. The rats are very, very cute and probably taste very good as well (sorry). We also went to the Yaounde Zoo, which works with MEFOU.

All good things, I hope you enjoy the pictures. Tomorrow we're headed to the Dja Reserve in Southeast Cameroon.


Two Gorillas playing.
Baby gorillas eating.
Justin walking home. Notice greenness and hilliness of Yaounde.
Jessica (Justin's daughter?). Cute a  button and asked me lots (and lots and lots) of questions about my camera...future journalist?
Children sang and danced songs about ending the bushmeat trade. Sounds like a dry subject, but there were chills down my spine. You can't see it but her shirt says "I [heart] dancin.'"
A monkey at the Yaounde Zoo. Don't mess with him he might stab you with some sort of shive made out of sugar cane.

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