Saturday, May 9, 2009

Behind the Scenes at the Gardner Museum

04.13.09 - Boston, Mass. - The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum was kind enough to let me do a month-long piece on their courtyard. I came up with the idea on a Valentine's Day visit to the museum with Eunice, where we commented on how so many people starred at the garden in between viewing the art works. 

Head Gardener Stan Kozak gave me a tour of the greenhouses and I followed them a couple weeks later as they put in their hanging nasturtiums display. The photos are part of a audio slideshow that appeared on and is below for your viewing pleasure.

You're welcome,


Head Gardener at the Gardner, Stan Kozak
Bringing the nasturtiums through the museum
Bringing the nasturtiums off the truck
General aw.
Stan tries to hang the nasturtiums

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