Sunday, December 13, 2009


12.09.09 - Porto, Portugal - Maria and I met Eunice and her friends in Porto for our long weekend at the beginning of December (something about an immaculate conception, I don't know). We spent four days tooling around town and learning about port wine.

Also we went to Foz, just outside of the city with the beach. The waves were pretty impressive and it looked like it would be a great spot in July.


Bridge built by Augustus Effiel, the same guy who built that tower in Paris.
Ahhh, John and Mei and Claudia doing photos.
We got super soaked (hehe) on Saturday walking around Gaia looking for port wine bodegas and then we got on the train. My lens fogged up but it made for a cool shot of Fiona who was sitting across from me.
John and Claudia on the bus to Foz.
John at the beach.
Doesn't this kind of look like a U2 album cover? Someone call Bono.
Crossing the Effiel Bridge. Doesn't have the same ring.
Inside the Calem Bodega.
Inside the arts and crafts bubble/Christmas market in a praça on Rua da Sá da Bandiera.
Coffee at the Café Majestic.
The grounds around the Palacio do Cristal. The palacio was not grand, but I do like the picture and the peacock.

Gypsy One-Man-Band

12.02.09 - A Coruña, Spain - Two odd things happened outside my place the last two days, so I took pictures of them from my window to show how much of a recluse I've become.

Two guys were taking apart a scaffolding and to be honest, the way they were going about it, I thought they might fall, so naturally, I grabbed my camera.

The other happened the next day when a man who appeared to be gypsy pulled up in my block with his one man band cart (complete with keyboard, trumpet and sound system) and started playing something that sounded like klezmer music. Thankfully he stopped after about 30 minutes.


They were a lot higher at one point and the whole basket and poll they were on was shaking. They didn't seem worried though.

Seems like it takes talent to pull this off. Also, my section of houses is like a really awesome amphitheater, something I never considered until he struck up the beat-box.

Thanksgiving - Euro Style

11.28.09 - A Coruña, Spain - I made Thanksgiving dinner after I was gifted cream of mushroom soup and cranberry sauce and figured there wasn't anything else to do with it, so I might as well make dinner. It took about 6 hours to get everything together and make it from scratch, but gosh darnit, I made it happen and the sweet potato casserole was awesome. The turkey was in fact dry, but so be it. Also I had to fry onions for the green bean casserole and use colored marshmallows for the sweet potatoes, but it was good.

Filipa and Roisin came over to humor me and eat food they both agreed was a bit strange. I suppose it is. But that's America.


Róisín and Filipa

Sweet potato casserole. It tastes the same, I swear.