Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Block Island

8.26.08 - Block Island, R.I. - On a suggestion from GQ, I went to Block Island with Damon and Sarah on Sunday to find out about the "best gin and tonics in the nation." They were pretty good. Nothing quite replaces drinking a g&t on a wrap-around veranda overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with a salty breeze blowing through your hair. Well you get the idea. Now see the photos.



Damon and Sarah, leaving the Spring House
Walking up the hill in Island Harbor from the beach
Me minus me at the beach. Check out those waves.
Salty at the Salty Dog clothing store. 
Sarah on the ferry back. 
Uh...me. I believe the statement of the day was, "you're doopy, but somehow it works." And I'm going to go with that. 
Newport, R.I.


Charlie & Brandi said...

Tell Damon I am his long lost brother...I can prove it...

KJF said...

Nice high-waters Will. :-P
Looks a lot like where I was hanging out last week in CT